Institute of Applied Physics, Nizhny Novgorod, Russia, is pleased to announce that the 10th International Workshop “Strong Microwaves and Terahertz Waves: Sources and Applications” will be held on July 17–22, 2017 on board of a river boat starting from Nizhny Novgorod, Russia.

The Workshop will consist of four strongly interrelated topical symposia:

Symposium S: High power microwave sources;
Symposium H: Current drive and plasma heating by microwaves in nuclear fusion devices;
Symposium T: Extreme and nonlinear terahertz science (metamaterials for strong THz generation and frequency conversion, nonlinear effects in THz frequencies, high power THz sources);
Symposium A: High power microwave and terahertz applications (including accelerators, radars, gas discharges, materials processing, biomedical applications etc.)

This workshop is a continuation of the “Strong Microwaves in Plasmas” workshops held every three years since 1990. The adjusted title reflects gradual changes in the workshop contents towards a broader range of frequencies and applications. The scope of the workshop covers a wide circle of research activities of both fundamental and applied importance. The workshop is highly interdisciplinary in nature; it opens ample opportunities for the interaction between the researchers working in high-power microwave electronics and plasma physics, with strong emphasis on the development of diverse applications. A three-year cycle chosen for the workshop provides the participants with the possibility of accumulating significant results of their research.

A School for Young Scientists will be held during the Workshop. Its program will include lectures on the key problems of generation and application of high power microwaves and terahertz waves delivered by top scientists. A special poster session will be organized for master and PhD students.

Workshop sponsored by Russian Foundation for Basic Research (grants ¹ 17-02-20320, ¹ 17-02-20317, ¹ 17-02-20314, ¹ 17-02-20313).

Opening presentation

Closing presentation

Proceedings of the Workshop

The proceedings of the Workshop are available online on EPJ Web of Conferences website. The proceedings are indexed in Scopus database.

Photos and videos from the Workshop



Youtube (including video from Talent show):