Invited Speakers of the Workshop's

Petr Bagryansky, Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics, Russia
A new outlook on the magnetic mirror approach to fusion

Monica Blank, CPI, USA
High Power and High Frequency Gyrotron Development at CPI

Ovidiu Brinza, Paris University 13, France
CVD Diamond Growth and Defects: status and remaining challenges

Gregory Denisov, Institute of Applied Physics RAS, Russia
New trends in gyrotron development

Wei Gai, Argonne National Lab, USA,
10 GHz to THz generation using relativistic beam at the Argonne Wakefield accelerator

Naum Ginzburg, Institute of Applied Physics RAS, Russia
Generation  of  Single  and  Periodically Repeated Powerful Ultrashort Microwave Pulses

Michail Glyavin, Institute of Applied Physics RAS, Russia
Development and applications of THz gyrotrons

Timothy Grotjohn, Michigan State University, USA
Microwave plasma-assisted deposition of diamond for electronic applications

Eugeny Gusakov,Ioffe Institute, Russia
Anomalous absorption in ECRH experiments due to parametric excitation of localized UH waves

Khaled Hassouni, Paris University 13, France
High power density microwave plasma process  for diamond deposition: self consistent simulation, process design and performance

Alexey Kanareikin, Saint Petersburg Electrotechnical University "LETI", Russia
Accelerator Based THz Generation and Applications

Walter Kasparek, Institute of Plasma Research, University of Stuttgart, Germany
Optics for ECRH

Sergey Kozlov, ITMO University, Russia
The nonlinearity of the refractive index of optical media in the terahertz spectral range

Boris Knyazev, Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics, Russia
Wave beams with orbital angular momentum: step towards terahertz

Anatoly Krasilnikov, Institution "Project Center ITER", Russia
Status of ITER program

M. H. Li, Institute of Plasma Physics CAS, China
ECRH system, microwave diagnostics and experimental results in the EAST tokamak

Yue Ying Lau, University of Michigan, USA
Some recent research in vacuum electronics

John Lohr, General Atomics, USA
Update on the DIII-D ECH system: experiments, gyrotrons, advanced diagnostics, and control

Viktor Luchinin, Saint Petersburg Electrotechnical University "LETI", Russia
Composition "diamond – silicon carbide" for extreme electronics

Nicholas Matlis, Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron, DESY, Germany
Acceleration of electrons in THz driven structures

Gregory Nusinovich, University of Maryland, USA
Some problems important for gyrotron operation

Tsuneyuki Ozaki, INRS, Canada
Advances in nonlinear THz optics at the Canadian Advanced Laser Light Source – from bleaching to harmonic generation

Alan Phelps, Strathclyde University, UK
Progress in microwave to sub-THz sources at Strathclyde

Sergey Samsonov, Institute of Applied Physics RAS, Russia
Development of Gyrotron Traveling-Wave Tubes at IAP and GYCOM

Alexander Shalashov, Institute of Applied Physics RAS, Russia
Electron-cyclotron waves in large-scale open traps: new questions highlighted by the GDT experiment

Alexander Shkurinov, Moscow State University, Russia
Terahertz Emission of Air-Based Plasma in the Mode of Micro-focusing of the Femtosecond Laser Pulse

Vadim Skalyga, Institute of Applied Physics RAS, Russia
Powerful neutron generators based on high current ECR ion sources with gyrotron plasma heating

Jörg Stober, Max Planck Institute of Plasma Physics, Germany
Overview of ECH experiments in Europe and their future prospects

Liangting Sun, Institute of Modern Physics CAS, China
Gyrotron Frequency ECR Ion Source Development and the Future Challenges

Manfred Thumm, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany
The Gyrotron – A Natural Source of Orbital Angular Momentum Millimeter-Wave Beams

Olli Tarvainen,  University of Jyvaskyla, Finland
Electron Cyclotron Resonance Ion Sources - Physics, Technology and Future Challenges

Anatoly Vikharev, Institute of Applied Physics RAS, Russia
CVD diamond with boron-doped delta-layers deposited by microwave plasma

Alexander Vodopyanov, Institute of Applied Physics RAS, Russia
Sources of ultraviolet light based on microwave discharges

Walter Wuensch, CERN, Switzerland
The CLIC project and development of high-gradient acceleration

Michail Yalandin, Institute of Electrophysics UD RAS, Russia
Relativistic microwave oscillators with high power flux in a free space and interaction zone